IB History &
This class focuses on the transition from the Medieval to the Modern world by exploring the social, economic, political, religious, and scientific realignments taking place. The focus will be on the Renaissance and Reformation, not as a culmination of this transition, but as the period of the transition itself, from the Medieval to the Modern worldview.
History of Europe
Fall 2019 - Spring 2021
​This course begins with a Summer reading assignment that can be found on the Summer reading page.
The course will focus on the changing worldview and culture from the Medieval World to the Modern World. The class will focus on the period of transition, specifically, the Renaissance, Reformation, and French Revolution.
A Key Component
Good writing is essential to this course. Essays and research papers are ways that one can convey historical knowledge.
But more than that, facts in history are incomplete without analysis.
It is through good historical writing that one's own arguments about cause and effect, continuity, or change over time can be shared.
This class focuses on five elements of economics:
Fundamentals, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics, and the economics of developing nations.
A study of choice
Economics is not about money; it is about choice. Economists study the relationship between scarcity and people - individuals, households, firms, and entire economies.
Choosing a Sixth Subject in IB
Introductory economics courses are often required in core curriculums at universities. Therefore, taking an advanced economics course in high school can be very beneficial.
Ultimately, students have to weigh their strengths and benefits to make a good choice. Ironically, economics is specifically about weighing the costs and benefits to make choices.
A core component of the IB program
The Theory of Knowledge course is one of the things that sets the IB program apart. Students are taught how to question the way knowledge itself is created. They compare what it means when a historian, mathematician, scientist, artist, theologian and others say "I know..."
How do we know?
This class is not about what we know, but rather an exploration of how we know the things that we claim we know.
We explore the ways of knowing and compare the use of these methods in various areas of knowledge in order to get a better understanding of, not what we know, but rather, the way that we create knowledge itself.
Why Travel
The student travel programs have no direct ties to a grade or content of a course; however, this does not mean that the benefits are minimal. Adults and students alike are able to experience new people, new perspectives, new cultures, and the best part for me, new food. Each trip is treated like a once in a lifetime experience.
Current Trips
June 2021
We are headed to Europe in the Summer of 2021. Our itinerary includes some of the most iconic cities in Western Europe.